Saturday, November 7, 2009

Had a great practice today. Sydney's mom said " Lewisville is going to be so proud of these girls"!

Yes they will. The smile on their faces was fabulous.

What a great feeling when you see something come all together.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Today I also learned it is very hard to teach your child...

Things I wanted to share, have become a bit tough and frustrating at times.

Attitude by both mother and daughter can kill the beauty of sharing. Wow.. lesson I will keep learning.

Thank you Father in Heaven for giving me the spirit to teach.. I love what I do, and my daughter is a gift from you... I will keep trying

New Trick for the Teacher.

Today I learned that by showing a child they can do a routine with their eyes closed... gave great confidence.

One of my children thought that performing was "for the audience". I told her almost, Performing is about her joy of and love of twirling and SHARING that with the audience.

When I asked her to close her eyes and do the routine.... she caught the baton... even with her eyes closed... Hello... did you "catch that" ... She caught the baton with her EYES CLOSED... TWICE...

Now.. her muscles will take over and her ego will calm down. She can do it. This was a great and victorious try.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Leadership and Class All in ONE HOUSE

Thank you to the sisters of Alpha Phi at University of North Texas.

The Alpha Phis sisters have agreed to our $1 to paint your nails party with the Jo'Lee Ettes to help my Jo'Lee Ettes raise money for their costume cost and parade fees.
The Jo'Lee Ettes will be painting nails, eating popcorn, watching fun movies, and learing what sisterhood is all about.

Most of all the Jo'Lee Ettes will see the Alpha Phi ladies working hard in school ,and sharing their time with those in need, and showing what leadership means.

We are so blessed that you care. Thank you ALPHA PHI sisters for taking this time to show the Jo'Lee Ettes about "walking the walk, and talking the talk."

PS- Most of these little girls would love to go to UNT. So I guess you could consider this an early rush... and early early rush party.. :)

The Jo'Lee Ette Twirl Team

Twirl your way to college. Top colleges are offering twirling scholarships for students. The baton twirler has put the fun in marching bands for years and the twirler will remain the fascinating and thrilling performance to watch!

University of Arkansas, University of Georgia, are a few elite schools with twirlers that rock the house, and help pay some or all of their way through school on their talent and hard work by twirling.
I will teach your child to shine, twirl, dance, perform, but most of all, have confidence to know who they are, where they are going, and how they are going to get there!