Friday, March 19, 2010

So why did the twirler disappear? I have not a clue. Up in the north where I come from, the twirler is the MAIN reason to watch the band.
Im going to find out why they did this in the south.
Watch out world here comes my team.

Wait till you see the new team logo... We rock...

The artist that created it... so much fun. More on that soon.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Met the Most Wonderful People at the NCABT
The most wonderful group of ladies keeping baton twirling alive.

If you take our twirlers off the field,you might as well take the entire band off the field. How many of us really pay that close attention to the band without a twirler? Not that many... Im sorry, but its true.

There is so much history being lost if we close the field to the twirling line or feature twirler.

Baylor Twirler, Texas Tech Twirlers, all of those who made my girls feel welcome... God bless you.

Thank you for keeping twirling alive!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Getting ready to attend the Twirling Event in Plano Texas!
Cant wait to see all the college and high school twirlers competition!
2010 Intercollegiate & National High School Baton Twirling Championships

Friday, January 29, 2010

Big Band Era Music

The girls loved the music from the Big Band Era today.

I saw a lot of smiles and some great rhythm from each child.

Lucky Me.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Students

I have had three new students join the class. Each student brings me such joy. All my girls are all so talented and have NO idea how talented they are..

Focus is the key..Each one needs to focus and find their space around them...

I must say however...

Hard to focus with all the basketball noise in the background...

At least they are learning to block it out... I'm trying to as well...

The Jo'Lee Ette Twirl Team

Twirl your way to college. Top colleges are offering twirling scholarships for students. The baton twirler has put the fun in marching bands for years and the twirler will remain the fascinating and thrilling performance to watch!

University of Arkansas, University of Georgia, are a few elite schools with twirlers that rock the house, and help pay some or all of their way through school on their talent and hard work by twirling.
I will teach your child to shine, twirl, dance, perform, but most of all, have confidence to know who they are, where they are going, and how they are going to get there!