Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Youve Been Painted with Love By a Jo'Lee Ette and Alpha Phi Sister

Amazing Amazing night with the Alpha Phi sisters. Putting photos up soon and more good thoughts on what a fantastic group of girls the Alpha Phi sisters are... I'm gathering all mom comments so they can read them
May God continue to bless those girls.... for with each good act you do..... it comes back to you 10x....

The Jo'Lee Ette Twirl Team

Twirl your way to college. Top colleges are offering twirling scholarships for students. The baton twirler has put the fun in marching bands for years and the twirler will remain the fascinating and thrilling performance to watch!

University of Arkansas, University of Georgia, are a few elite schools with twirlers that rock the house, and help pay some or all of their way through school on their talent and hard work by twirling.
I will teach your child to shine, twirl, dance, perform, but most of all, have confidence to know who they are, where they are going, and how they are going to get there!